
Iv been “Stood down” with “Full Pay” but am expected to work 8 hours a day, else I don’t get paid.

I guess this boils down to me not technically signing an official contract, so they can do whatever they want with me really. But the situation is fairly complicated. Basically management has had a major fuck up with licensing. (Techs working without the appropriate licenses and not being chased up on it) Myself included. Several techs have been “stood down with full pay” is what the company is calling it. They claim that because it was the companies fault for allowing technicians to work without a licence, they are accepting liability and standing down (with full pay) anyone who cannot work, until the individual is licensed, within a reasonable time frame. Here's the kicker, I'm still fucking at work, just on office duties. Okay, maybe fair enough, maybe that's what they meant by “stood down”, just off the tools, I can accept that. However, realistically, there isn't 8 hours a…

I guess this boils down to me not technically signing an official contract, so they can do whatever they want with me really. But the situation is fairly complicated.

Basically management has had a major fuck up with licensing. (Techs working without the appropriate licenses and not being chased up on it) Myself included. Several techs have been “stood down with full pay” is what the company is calling it. They claim that because it was the companies fault for allowing technicians to work without a licence, they are accepting liability and standing down (with full pay) anyone who cannot work, until the individual is licensed, within a reasonable time frame.

Here's the kicker, I'm still fucking at work, just on office duties. Okay, maybe fair enough, maybe that's what they meant by “stood down”, just off the tools, I can accept that. However, realistically, there isn't 8 hours a day worth of work for a tech like me at the office. So iv been leaving half an hour to an hour early because i literally spend 60% of the day already just sitting around pretending to work. This is also with my line managers approval as he agrees there is literally nothing for me to do here but insists I still come in.

Iv just received my first paycheck since being stood down to office duties, guess who didn't get “full pay”. So not only am I still expected to work, im expected to be here for 8 hours minimum if I want my normal paycheck. What the fuck is the point of “accepting responsibility” and “doing us a favor” by “standing us down with full pay” if im still working 8 hours a day and if I don't, I simply do not get paid my full time wage. Instead of being compensated for the companies major fuck up, I feel as though I'm being severely punished. I'm here washing company cars (which is fine, I'm an apprentice, whatever). But they've now got me washing senior techs personal vehicles that they use for work?? Is that even allowed?

Am I just fucked because they never made me sign anything therefor there's no official status to my name being stood down with pay?

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