
I’ve been in sales my whole life and I feel miserable and stuck.

Right out of college I got my first sales job, which was at spectrum (formerly time warner cable). I was making a decent living and it wasn’t really a sales intensive job so I liked the concept of sales and decided to pursue further. Fast forward 8 years, after multiple jobs in the car business, and in call center like jobs(cold calling), I feel like I’m stuck and miserable at every sales job I get. For the past 3 years I’ve been hopping around from remote job to remote job ( realistically only 3 jobs because it takes 2-3 months to land one) I’ve been laid off from every single one due to “budget cuts” even though I’m usually a high performer. Now I’m 30, I feel like I’ll never be able to love a job. I always search for careers I can transition to as an entry level employee…

Right out of college I got my first sales job, which was at spectrum (formerly time warner cable). I was making a decent living and it wasn’t really a sales intensive job so I liked the concept of sales and decided to pursue further. Fast forward 8 years, after multiple jobs in the car business, and in call center like jobs(cold calling), I feel like I’m stuck and miserable at every sales job I get.

For the past 3 years I’ve been hopping around from remote job to remote job ( realistically only 3 jobs because it takes 2-3 months to land one) I’ve been laid off from every single one due to “budget cuts” even though I’m usually a high performer. Now I’m 30, I feel like I’ll never be able to love a job. I always search for careers I can transition to as an entry level employee but most of them require a college degree or some sort of experience. I have a fiancé and a baby on the way and I feel like the only way to provide for them is to be a sales slave. I hate this.

Has anyone left sales at a late age (30+) and shifted into a new career and had it work out for them?

Also feel free to ask talk sh*t about sales jobs here too.

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