
I’ve been using weaponized incompetence at my new job, and it’s been nothing but beneficial

Not sure if this is allowed, but it fits with r/antiwork so thought I would post it here because it fits. So for context I currently work at a warehouse, but previously worked in retail (I won't disclose where for privacy reasons). My retail job was my first job and currently the one I've had the longest (6 years to be exact). To make a long story short I was the hardest working and most experienced employee that was often relied on to do most of the work being that I had worked in multiple departments during my time at that job. Ultimately it led up to me being taken advantage of and constantly reprimanded/disciplined when I became burnt out and couldn't physically do the work expected of me. I ended up leaving when it became too much to a point where I felt like ending myself. I took a…

Not sure if this is allowed, but it fits with r/antiwork so thought I would post it here because it fits.

So for context I currently work at a warehouse, but previously worked in retail (I won't disclose where for privacy reasons). My retail job was my first job and currently the one I've had the longest (6 years to be exact). To make a long story short I was the hardest working and most experienced employee that was often relied on to do most of the work being that I had worked in multiple departments during my time at that job. Ultimately it led up to me being taken advantage of and constantly reprimanded/disciplined when I became burnt out and couldn't physically do the work expected of me. I ended up leaving when it became too much to a point where I felt like ending myself. I took a break from working for a while and later on found new employment at a t-shirt printing warehouse, which is similar to what I want to pursue as a hobby so the job interested me and I ended up taking it.

Well I made a promise to myself that once leaving my old employer that I never wanted to be taken advantage of again by not being the “outstanding employee” I once was (regardless of being disciplined just as long as I was able to do enough to keep my job). So for over a year since I've worked at my current employer I only ever do the bare minimum, have called out numerous times, and avoid doing certain tasks in order to be seen as a less reliable employee. Sure I might be judged and it would be looked down on/criticized by most people, but it's really nice because I don't get asked to do any extra work or have to train new hires/temp workers (that's not my job and I don't get paid to take on that extra work so I refuse to do it). I intentionally put less effort into work that I do and make careless mistakes at work in order to be seen as less reliable to management.

And before anyone asks I don't directly work with other people in my warehouse besides management, so the work I do is directly reflected on me and no one else is taking the fault for any mistakes that I make. I would never bring someone else down for my own personal gain, but I'll gladly take the fault if that means I can keep my mental sanity and personal well being wile working an job that (at the end of the day) is meant for paying my bills and nothing more. I have no desire to go above and beyond for any employer after my previous employer took advantage of me and mentally/verbally abused me.

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