
I’ve been written up again

Hi, staying anonymous here. The other day I was dragged into a meeting where I was written up again. The first time it was because I had just started wasn’t trained properly and fucked up. Do I think I needed to be written up over that? No I didn’t. This time it’s because of an excel error on a report I didn’t notice for a while. I found the problem when asked, provided screen caps and fixed it. So I’m sitting there in this meeting and my boss is calling me a Robot (which I find offensive because I’m autistic) because I use the company’s preferred program to do just my work and not play around on it to find new ways to do this or that. I asked if there’s resources on the program I can use to learn from and he’s like “no, you figure it out yourself…

Hi, staying anonymous here.

The other day I was dragged into a meeting where I was written up again. The first time it was because I had just started wasn’t trained properly and fucked up. Do I think I needed to be written up over that? No I didn’t.

This time it’s because of an excel error on a report I didn’t notice for a while. I found the problem when asked, provided screen caps and fixed it. So I’m sitting there in this meeting and my boss is calling me a Robot (which I find offensive because I’m autistic) because I use the company’s preferred program to do just my work and not play around on it to find new ways to do this or that. I asked if there’s resources on the program I can use to learn from and he’s like “no, you figure it out yourself or learn from someone else”. I was also told to do a course in Microsoft office (again) because he thinks I can’t use it properly. I’m sitting there sobbing unable to stand up for myself and unable to speak. All I hear from my boss is everything negative I do. I’m working basically all day and I never heard anything bad or good in months. Dude is pulling up receipts from October and had been gathering since then.

This year has been freaking rough in terms of employment for me. I got sexually harassed at my first American job to the point where I was basically cornered in a hallway. now at my second job I’m being told I’m worthless.

Ive been having a hard weekend. I feel depressed, numb and unable to do anything right. I’m afraid of going in on Monday.

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