
I’ve had it

I don't know why I even try. I had a phone interview this morning an I got up with this feeling of absolutely not feeling right about even getting up for it… After the phone call they tell me they are going to tell me the result and get back to me in a week. And then within 5 hours they tell me they decided I'm not the right candidate. They've known everything about me from the documents I sent them, they knew my availabilty, they knew I could start right away, why bother talking to me if they tell me no after 5 hours? Like why are all these companies wasting so much damn time on asking for all the extra documents and setting up pre-tests and all that if they are going to decide within 5 hours that that was all in vain. Not to mention they wanted…

I don't know why I even try. I had a phone interview this morning an I got up with this feeling of absolutely not feeling right about even getting up for it…

After the phone call they tell me they are going to tell me the result and get back to me in a week. And then within 5 hours they tell me they decided I'm not the right candidate. They've known everything about me from the documents I sent them, they knew my availabilty, they knew I could start right away, why bother talking to me if they tell me no after 5 hours? Like why are all these companies wasting so much damn time on asking for all the extra documents and setting up pre-tests and all that if they are going to decide within 5 hours that that was all in vain.

Not to mention they wanted me to upload my ID as a proof even before the interview, which I politely declined. Like no thank you, don't want to get scammed.

Maybe I'm just frustrated but why do they just waste my time and effort so much.

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