
I’ve heard the general strike line too many times this year and it’s depressing.

I don't have a great job. I work for my spouse and their grandma as an in home aid. And don't get many hours. We have been living pay check to pay check forever. Over the past year I've heard the general strike speal on tiktok several times. And I've liked the idea of that every time. But then that's it. Nothing happens. No organization, no safety nets for those that could lose everything, nothing. And I just feel helpless. I want to fight back so bad. I want to help other people in this country so bad because I feel for every single one of my fellow Americans. But I have no idea how. I'm a recluse basically. I have never really known how to make friends, it just happened. And now that I'm an adult that wants to organize, I don't know how. I don't know how to…

I don't have a great job. I work for my spouse and their grandma as an in home aid. And don't get many hours. We have been living pay check to pay check forever. Over the past year I've heard the general strike speal on tiktok several times. And I've liked the idea of that every time. But then that's it. Nothing happens. No organization, no safety nets for those that could lose everything, nothing. And I just feel helpless. I want to fight back so bad. I want to help other people in this country so bad because I feel for every single one of my fellow Americans. But I have no idea how.

I'm a recluse basically. I have never really known how to make friends, it just happened. And now that I'm an adult that wants to organize, I don't know how. I don't know how to find like minded people who share my views. I don't know how to get involved locally or nationally to make a difference. What can I, a 22 year old with nothing to offer in money or resources, even do?

Sept 1st is “supposed” to be when everyone strikes, but that isn't gonna have an effect that we want. One day isn't enough for apartment complexes to realize something is up and most people that will see the strike message and follow through with not going into work are considered “expendable” to corps so they'll just end up fired and homeless, not leading the revolution. I support this idea just as I think many individuals do, but it's not thought out and not properly organized to be effective. So what can I do to help push America in the right direction? How can I find organizations that are working towards this or start one and get the traction needed to make any kind of difference? Or even just locally? How do I find people or organizations in my region that hold meetings I can attend to help in any way? To even just add my voice and make some noise?

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