
I’ve just had enough.. burnout leave started today, but I’m still in the lost as to what my next steps should be? Berlin, Germany

Hey everyone, I've been with my current job for over 4 years, joining when it was a 30-40 people startup. Fast forward to now, and we're a corporate monster of 100+ employees. I built my department from the ground up, mentored my team, and we have the lowest turnover in the company. This March, I was promoted to team lead, though not to director due to “lack of experience.” Recently, a bunch of new C-level folks came in, one of whom is acting as a temporary Director, who is also a good (old) friend of our CEO. Our visions clash; they're from a traditional corporate background, whereas our project is anything but stable. They also want to bring in a full time director who is another old friend, but has actually almost 50% less experience in the field than me – hard to swallow. Last week, we had a feedback…

Hey everyone,

I've been with my current job for over 4 years, joining when it was a 30-40 people startup. Fast forward to now, and we're a corporate monster of 100+ employees. I built my department from the ground up, mentored my team, and we have the lowest turnover in the company.

This March, I was promoted to team lead, though not to director due to “lack of experience.” Recently, a bunch of new C-level folks came in, one of whom is acting as a temporary Director, who is also a good (old) friend of our CEO. Our visions clash; they're from a traditional corporate background, whereas our project is anything but stable. They also want to bring in a full time director who is another old friend, but has actually almost 50% less experience in the field than me – hard to swallow.

Last week, we had a feedback round, and here's the thing: my team rated me between 60-100%, which I'm grateful for. However, C-level management, who barely know me/barely worked with me over the last 3-4 months, rated me an average of around 40%. The expected level for my role is 70%. It's a clear sign that my time here is likely limited.

I've started my medical leave for burnout. Financially, it's not looking good, my savings are depleted, and quitting isn't an option. Now, there's a rumored bonus in November that everyone is eligible for regardless of ratings. I could really use that extra cash, but I have no idea how to hang on until then without outright quitting.

I'm stuck, and it's like choosing between the lesser of two evils – stay unhappy or quit and receive 60% of salary as social support, which barely covers my fixed monthly costs (I have a mortgage). If anyone has any advice or has been in a similar fix, I'd be super grateful for your thoughts!

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