
I’ve lost all motivation

As someone who has worked since they were 21, nonstop, in corporate America (20 years), I have definitely seen a shift in my motivation to care about anything for my employer. Work has seriously sucked the life out of me. I used to be motivated and care (early 30’s?), but having to balance work and life has ruined me. I see others enthusiastically share ideas in meetings while I barely speak. I dread sitting at my desk all day and count down the minutes until I am out of there. I avoid my coworkers and employees because I just don’t care. How do people do this?! I’m not even close to retiring so I need to figure out how to get happy…

As someone who has worked since they were 21, nonstop, in corporate America (20 years), I have definitely seen a shift in my motivation to care about anything for my employer. Work has seriously sucked the life out of me. I used to be motivated and care (early 30’s?), but having to balance work and life has ruined me. I see others enthusiastically share ideas in meetings while I barely speak. I dread sitting at my desk all day and count down the minutes until I am out of there. I avoid my coworkers and employees because I just don’t care. How do people do this?! I’m not even close to retiring so I need to figure out how to get happy…

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