
I’ve never had a “real job” and I’m running out of ideas

For context I got an art degree (delusional) and I have been working in the service industry for the better part of 8 years. In the last 3 I’ve been doing substitute teaching which works really well for me but it’s not guaranteed all year round. I opened an Etsy store this week and all year have been trying to grow a small art business, and I’m really burned out. I am in a predicament now where I have started at a new bar and quit the one I worked at for years because I thought I would make more money, because things started to dry up at the old place. Now at this new bar I make less and work more hours on top of feeling lol I’m being robbed by greedy bartenders who come in at the shift change and keep all the tabs I started. I’m a…

For context I got an art degree (delusional) and I have been working in the service industry for the better part of 8 years. In the last 3 I’ve been doing substitute teaching which works really well for me but it’s not guaranteed all year round. I opened an Etsy store this week and all year have been trying to grow a small art business, and I’m really burned out.

I am in a predicament now where I have started at a new bar and quit the one I worked at for years because I thought I would make more money, because things started to dry up at the old place. Now at this new bar I make less and work more hours on top of feeling lol I’m being robbed by greedy bartenders who come in at the shift change and keep all the tabs I started. I’m a pretty good worker, I know what I’m doing and have a lot of experience. In 6 months I have never been scheduled a closing bartenders shift which is significantly more money. Seems like a personal issue with the scheduler/other bartenders demanding those shifts.

After standing on my feet for 6 hours today and prepping everything for the night shift just so they can have an easier time making money, I’m really fed up and honestly sick to my stomach. I don’t want to go demand better shifts or fair tip out, I just want to quit. The only reason I haven’t is because having a bar job is part of my identity and having several part time jobs makes me feel less embarrassed about not having one full time position. I feel like I’m lagging with my art business because I’m so tired but I can’t take any time off because I’m so broke right now. I made 20 dollars today.

I think I came here for some encouragement that it will be okay to quit, or suggestions on what to do with myself honestly. I have a strong moral objection to the American work model and I don’t want a leash around my neck, and I feel like at some point I will have to roll over and do it just to survive. I don’t know anyone else my age that does what I do and I feel like I’m doing something wrong.

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