
I’ve seen this way too often in the U.S.

What's up with the American mindset when it comes to work (specifically those in a position of even a little power)? It's honestly really, really annoying to see myself or others get mistreated at different jobs, because we do the tiniest things to “inconvenience” someone else for a few moments. I'm originally from Germany, but have lived in the States for a good 15 years and completely understand why a lot of people don't want to work anymore – bad/abusive/crazy & constant micro management from management (aside from the obviously underpaid majority of us). I see comparisons between Germany and the U.S. all the time. Germany on one hand has actual worker rights when it comes to vacation, sick time, healthcare, paternity leave, or a much healthier balance between life and work. What really made me want to just vent a little is a friend of mine complaining about their…

What's up with the American mindset when it comes to work (specifically those in a position of even a little power)? It's honestly really, really annoying to see myself or others get mistreated at different jobs, because we do the tiniest things to “inconvenience” someone else for a few moments.

I'm originally from Germany, but have lived in the States for a good 15 years and completely understand why a lot of people don't want to work anymore – bad/abusive/crazy & constant micro management from management (aside from the obviously underpaid majority of us). I see comparisons between Germany and the U.S. all the time. Germany on one hand has actual worker rights when it comes to vacation, sick time, healthcare, paternity leave, or a much healthier balance between life and work.

What really made me want to just vent a little is a friend of mine complaining about their (obviously) bad position as an assistant-manager at a KFC. They rarely, if ever, miss any days at all while working, but has unfortunately been out sick for 4-5 days with a bad case of Covid. They've done everything to separate themselves from their family by sending children to other family members with little contact, etc. when their boss then proceed to send them a screenshot a few days in around midnight from their Facebook complaining that “are you sure you're sick? You have no problem sharing stuff on Facebook around midnight”, not minding their own business while they're out sick with literal Covid – then asking them to thank their other managers for stepping in to cover their days while they're out sick – with that deadly illness named SARS-CoV-2.

Who in their right mind thinks that's even okay to do? Why can't bosses or managers mind their own business while people are out sick? Are people not allowed to be sick anymore? No wonder people actually do get sick, because they're not allowed to be off work while being sick and then proceed to get everyone else sick. 5 days a year for sick leave or whatever it is at the general place of employment is not enough. In Germany you're legally entitled to as many sick days if you're able to prove with a doctor's note that you're injured/sick/etc. It just aggravates me so much seeing how people, even some close to me, here are mistreated when it isn't an issue in many other developed countries. I could talk about this forever, but just a little session to vent.

Employers are awful in this country acting like their measle benefits are worth anything at all and when management thinks it's okay to treat employees in such a childish manner, it's absolutely time to leave and leave them struggling for more than 5 days.

Question, actually. They have a screenshot of how their boss accusing them of not actually being sick, because they shared something on Facebook at an apparent time where someone sick shouldn't be awake as well as other mistreating words. Anything that can be done? Probably not, huh?

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