
I’ve stopped making decisions at work.

This sub has made me realize I've never been paid to make decisions so I don't make them anymore. In the past I used to make judgment calls or try to predict what my manager, skip level or team lead wanted. Not only did this mean I just got more work, but whenever my prediction didn't align with their final decision there was this feeling that I was the one who had made the mistake. I'm not quite sure when or where I got into this habit but I've been trying to break it lately. Anytime there are multiple ways to approach a problem I just put it to the manager. I've been doing this work for so long I'm proficient in any of the decisions they come back with and I know that ultimately any effort I give to guide them to what I believe is the best approach…

This sub has made me realize I've never been paid to make decisions so I don't make them anymore. In the past I used to make judgment calls or try to predict what my manager, skip level or team lead wanted. Not only did this mean I just got more work, but whenever my prediction didn't align with their final decision there was this feeling that I was the one who had made the mistake.

I'm not quite sure when or where I got into this habit but I've been trying to break it lately. Anytime there are multiple ways to approach a problem I just put it to the manager. I've been doing this work for so long I'm proficient in any of the decisions they come back with and I know that ultimately any effort I give to guide them to what I believe is the best approach won't be appreciated. So why bother?

Congratulations corporate America. Decades of micromanagement bullshit have finally gotten through to me. Clearly my mind doesn't work as fast or as efficiently as all the people above me and since I've never gotten an internal promotion that must mean I'm incapable of reaching their level of mental capacity right?

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