
“Job Abandonment” not really?

I recently accepted a position at another company, I just need to finish the onboarding tasks. I thought I abandoned my job at Macys, because I did a no call no show for 3 days. Apparently not. Im still on the schedule in December. Macy's policy of job abandonment is “Not showing up for work for 3 days without informing anyone.” I honestly dont want to call the company, I may just call that HR number for employees.

I recently accepted a position at another company, I just need to finish the onboarding tasks. I thought I abandoned my job at Macys, because I did a no call no show for 3 days. Apparently not. Im still on the schedule in December. Macy's policy of job abandonment is “Not showing up for work for 3 days without informing anyone.”

I honestly dont want to call the company, I may just call that HR number for employees.

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