
Job advice- retail/dispensary

I recently took a job in the dispensary industry and i love the work but am extremely dissapointed in the behaviour of my company. I guess the TLDR version is: Is the dispensary industry just the modern day fast food/service industry???? So i will try to keep this short but basically i got hired as the “lead security” of a dispensary. Which on paper seemed like a cushy gig for a little less money than what im used to but i was ok with. Essentially they pulled a fast one on me. The job description i agreed to for less money sounded good but since day one ive been running the whole store in an “assistant GM” capacity. Only noone is talking additional compensation or even titles(id rather have the compensation). Normally i would just bring it up and press for more money. Im not scared to interact with managers.…

I recently took a job in the dispensary industry and i love the work but am extremely dissapointed in the behaviour of my company.

I guess the TLDR version is: Is the dispensary industry just the modern day fast food/service industry????

So i will try to keep this short but basically i got hired as the “lead security” of a dispensary. Which on paper seemed like a cushy gig for a little less money than what im used to but i was ok with. Essentially they pulled a fast one on me. The job description i agreed to for less money sounded good but since day one ive been running the whole store in an “assistant GM” capacity. Only noone is talking additional compensation or even titles(id rather have the compensation).

Normally i would just bring it up and press for more money. Im not scared to interact with managers. But in just a month ive witnessed on three seperate occasions other people going through something similar and quitting. I.E. they were performing jobs beyond what they were hired for but when they press for money they end up quitting.

So….should i bother? I know im the highest paid employee besides my boss; I know other lesser paid employees have basically been pushed to quit in a similar situation; and i know the owners are notoriously cheap.

Did i just step in shit company-wise or is this what dispensaries are like?

For the record i see all the financials and the store is on track to make over 1.5 million its first year om 50% gross profit margins.

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