
Job complained when I was 2 minutes late at work

I work as an intern in an IT job and we sell softwares. Our primary clients share the same place as us. I have to come at 10:00 but due to my commute schedule, I generally come 2-4 minutes late. The only other bus available arrives at 09:15. And, instead of asking me to leave 2 minutes late or something, they complained to my boss, who asked me to take the bus before. Is there a way out of this? I don’t want to be at work at 09:30.

I work as an intern in an IT job and we sell softwares. Our primary clients share the same place as us. I have to come at 10:00 but due to my commute schedule, I generally come 2-4 minutes late. The only other bus available arrives at 09:15.
And, instead of asking me to leave 2 minutes late or something, they complained to my boss, who asked me to take the bus before.
Is there a way out of this? I don’t want to be at work at 09:30.

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