
Job Creators Network, started by Home Depot founder was the force behind the SCOTUS student debt ruling, and other anti-union stuff.

The Job Creators Network was started by Home Depot founder/oligarch Bernard Marcus (net worth $8B) and was the main force behind the SCOTUS student debt ruling, and other anti-union stuff. At first it seems odd.. Why would people in the construction supply business even care about college student loans? Let's check out their advocacy page… First it sings the praises of American small business. Nevermind how many small hardware stores The Home Depot has put out of business over the years. They're essentially the hardware version of Walmart. The page has these 6 bullet points… The Job Creators Network advocates for policymakers to: Reform the tax system so the financial burden on America’s job creators is reduced. (because oligarchs don't like to pay taxes) Pass free market healthcare solutions that will address the problems associated with Obamacare. (because having healthcare tied to our jobs is a great way to…

The Job Creators Network was started by Home Depot founder/oligarch Bernard Marcus (net worth $8B) and was the main force behind the SCOTUS student debt ruling, and other anti-union stuff.

At first it seems odd.. Why would people in the construction supply business even care about college student loans? Let's check out their advocacy page…

First it sings the praises of American small business. Nevermind how many small hardware stores The Home Depot has put out of business over the years. They're essentially the hardware version of Walmart. The page has these 6 bullet points…

The Job Creators Network advocates for policymakers to:

Reform the tax system so the financial burden on America’s job creators is reduced.

(because oligarchs don't like to pay taxes)

Pass free market healthcare solutions that will address the problems associated with Obamacare.

(because having healthcare tied to our jobs is a great way to lock in employees)

Protect entry-level jobs and help retool the labor force to take advantage of the economy of the future.

(Protect entry level jobs = don't raise the minimum wage)

Avoid passing energy regulations that drive up the cost of doing business.

(Because complying w environmental rules takes money, and that hurts profits)

Encourage education reform that emphasizes vocational training.

(Ding Ding – I think this one is maybe why they're against college education: more voc training = more building trades = more $$ selling construction supplies)

Promote free market competition that helps all Americans.

(Unless if a new small business came up with a new business model that cut into Home Depot's market, then they'd run to their R congressman as fast as possible to curtail it)

And on the subject of Retail Workers Unions, apparently Marcus & Home Depot (also like Walmart) are very much against it. Marcus has come out against the Employee Free Choice Act. I was following the news of the unionization efforts of the NE Philly Roosevelt Boulevard store (it's discussed here on the HomeDepot sub too) I actually got to talk with a friend of a friend who works there, and apparently the guy who was spearheading the movement was very polite but passionate about it. After the vote failed, he was fired for “insubordination”. If anyone can correct me or add to anything on this, please do.

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