
Job decided to drop me mid training for no reason

I'm not sure what to do. I have been looking for a job for close to a year now with no luck. I thought this was finally the change I so desperately need, but I was wrong. For a little context, I am a young adult that had to drop out of college and my original job (it was just McDonald's, so pretty shit) because of issues at home. The biggest being that I had to rely on my parents for transportation. While things with my mom and dad have gotten better, I am still hurting for a ride. I can drive, but my parents will not help me pay for car insurance…so I have to get a job…but without the ability to drive I'm extremely limited. Anyway, I applied for a small, family owned coffee shop near my house. I can walk to it. I came in for an…

I'm not sure what to do. I have been looking for a job for close to a year now with no luck. I thought this was finally the change I so desperately need, but I was wrong.

For a little context, I am a young adult that had to drop out of college and my original job (it was just McDonald's, so pretty shit) because of issues at home. The biggest being that I had to rely on my parents for transportation. While things with my mom and dad have gotten better, I am still hurting for a ride. I can drive, but my parents will not help me pay for car insurance…so I have to get a job…but without the ability to drive I'm extremely limited.

Anyway, I applied for a small, family owned coffee shop near my house. I can walk to it. I came in for an interview and the “Operations Manger,” as she calls herself, seemed to really like me. She didn't hire me then though, instead, she asked me to come in for training (paid) on a set date. I was going somewhere for two weeks, so we scheduled it for when I came back. When I came back, she pushed the date back another week.

Now, I'll be honest, I was a little skeptical that they were making me train before hiring me. Another place tried to do that to me (unpaid) and I couldn't go through with the hiring because the thousands of videos they wanted me to watch wouldn't even work. But, I came in yesterday, ready to train and it went well. I was listening, I was getting some minor practice, and the manager seemed happy to continue training tomorrow.

Well, I get home about an hour and a half later and I get a text saying, “Unfortunately, we will no longer continue training, good luck!” I was pretty upset. This isn't the first time a job has just last minute decided to not continue with me, but this one especially hurt. It would have been a good job in comparison to McDonald's. Most employees get $15+ in tips and the place was small and cozy, not at all stressful.

My dad says that this job was going to be shit anyway, especially if the owner can't be arsed to come to the store or even talk to potential employees. She has a groupchat for her and her employees…and that's it. Never even spoked to her once, yet I'm assuming she pulled the plug on me. They did seem a little cliquey…I'll be honest. I live in a small town, so I guess it makes sense why they might be. It's still really unproffessional that the owner doesn't do anything but stalk the cameras like she's the symbol monkey from toy story 3. Her 13 year old son, apparently comes by though to work…even though they only hire 18 year olds.

The job has solo shifts and supporting shift for when it gets busy. During the week, it's 2 hours, the weekend, 3 hours in the morning than 3 hours in the afternoon (6 hours total…it's weird to have a gap in between though) for supporting shift. The solo shift? 5 hours during the week, 7 hours during the weekend. No breaks. None. No lunch either. You get 2 weeks of sick leave with approval, I'm assuming for the entire year. No benefits. No employee discounts on food or drinks. They pay $7.25 an hour on top of tips, which is better than the rest of Florida, but good luck getting this job. The manger swore up and down how nice and understanding their boss was…but that was definitely a biased answer. Nice to her? Sure. She used to work there for a year, then left for a better job, but the boss wanted her back so she got hired as a manager.

So…yeah. I'm kind of losing hope that I will find a job that isn't fast food. I can't work fast food. tried it for half a year and it made my anxiety disorder work overtime. It was bad for me, but it looks like I have no choice. I don't have anyone I know that lives near me or anyone in my family who can/will help me get a job. Between this and not being able to attend school again until I get money, being unable to go anywhere, and having only online friends…I feel like such a loser. It's shocking that people like me are struggling this much to find anything.

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