
Job fired a friend after making him the scapegoat for theft.

I work at a certain warehouse retail outlet which I will not name for safety reasons. An employee was stealing merchandise on the regular and was eventually caught and fired. That wasn't the problem, though. My friend is supposed to check receipts on the way out as a sort of asset protection thing to stop theft. Now, the thieving employee reportedly got past everyone that worked the door, but for whatever reason they needed to pin the blame on someone. Despite having worked there for years with one of the best track records of stopping theft, they chose to can him on Halloween of all days on the spot when he came in and I'm livid about it. It just goes to show you how utterly fucking disposable you are to these companies. I'm tempted to quit in solidarity, but I know I would be ineligible for unemployment if I…

I work at a certain warehouse retail outlet which I will not name for safety reasons. An employee was stealing merchandise on the regular and was eventually caught and fired. That wasn't the problem, though. My friend is supposed to check receipts on the way out as a sort of asset protection thing to stop theft. Now, the thieving employee reportedly got past everyone that worked the door, but for whatever reason they needed to pin the blame on someone. Despite having worked there for years with one of the best track records of stopping theft, they chose to can him on Halloween of all days on the spot when he came in and I'm livid about it. It just goes to show you how utterly fucking disposable you are to these companies. I'm tempted to quit in solidarity, but I know I would be ineligible for unemployment if I did.

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