Yesterday I got en email dismissing me citing:
Failure to follow absence procedure when I was ill as I should call in each day I’m absent in lieu of a doctor’s note, despite me emailing them my statement of fitness which covered me for my entire absence and
Failure to submit a request of annual leave 15-25 August, this is confirmed by the HR rep in the document I received. However, I have also a copy of my job acceptance email to this HR rep that explicitly states I will be unavailable during said dates.
I also mentioned my leave on the phone and in person. Such as when I stated not to be put on any shifts outside of my contracted hours until after 25 August (this was in person).
And I called in a few times while I was ill to update.
There’s a few other reasons listed which are effectively stating I wasn’t good enough at a certain element of the job that requires specific training. I wasn’t hired for this section, it’s not in my contract, but I completed the training when I first started. I was only put this section twice, in my third week and 4th week after training.
This has thoroughly pissed me off and while I don’t plan on taking legal action I’d like to know if I could.
Any recommendations for how I should email back (I’m thinking something snarky and definitely attaching these emails I have).