
Job fired me without paying my Paid time off

I've worked here for five months usually I fix one or two trucks per day. I got a massive load of work Friday, but completed work on all ten trucks assigned to me. Monday I come in and it's the same thing ten trucks all with the same problems as last time I fix two Monday. On Tuesday I has to wait for material and finish the rest Tuesday. Wednesday I did not come into work but called and text the boss. Thursday I did not come in until four hours after the start of my shift. I grab all my personal belongings put them in my car walk into the office and tell the boss “i still have 40 hours of PTO I am trying to use”. This guy tells me to put in the request and is now constantly denying it. I've been a good worker for as…

I've worked here for five months usually I fix one or two trucks per day. I got a massive load of work Friday, but completed work on all ten trucks assigned to me. Monday I come in and it's the same thing ten trucks all with the same problems as last time I fix two Monday. On Tuesday I has to wait for material and finish the rest Tuesday.
Wednesday I did not come into work but called and text the boss.

Thursday I did not come in until four hours after the start of my shift. I grab all my personal belongings put them in my car walk into the office and tell the boss “i still have 40 hours of PTO I am trying to use”. This guy tells me to put in the request and is now constantly denying it. I've been a good worker for as long as I've been here so it just doesn't make any sense. why would the company want to play with my small one week paycheck? It's super unfair and the only thing I can think next is to get labor board involved.

Should I even go into this guys office tomorrow and attempt to convince him.?!?

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