
Job hunting is giving me anxiety. How long does it take to land a college level job?

I knew it was difficult to begin with. I had three internships, and it still wasn't enough for me to find a job this year. I quit in February to seek a better-paying job. After thousands of failed applications in five months, I started using AI to paraphrase the job descriptions in my resume. It was successful, and I finally secured several appointments. The most challenging aspect for me is the ghosting. After dozens of interviews, nearly all of them ghosted me. Not knowing when they will call back within two weeks is causing me so much anxiety. It's been eight months since I quit, and I've only had one company interview me a third time. But it's been nine weeks since I applied, four weeks since my last interview, and they informed me earlier this week that they will decide between me and one other candidate. So much anxiety,…

I knew it was difficult to begin with. I had three internships, and it still wasn't enough for me to find a job this year. I quit in February to seek a better-paying job. After thousands of failed applications in five months, I started using AI to paraphrase the job descriptions in my resume. It was successful, and I finally secured several appointments.

The most challenging aspect for me is the ghosting. After dozens of interviews, nearly all of them ghosted me. Not knowing when they will call back within two weeks is causing me so much anxiety. It's been eight months since I quit, and I've only had one company interview me a third time. But it's been nine weeks since I applied, four weeks since my last interview, and they informed me earlier this week that they will decide between me and one other candidate.

So much anxiety, so much waiting, and so much stress. I'm curious if anyone else is experiencing similar struggles as I am right now.

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