
Job Hunting is Pure Luck

I used to get frustrated and angry about the job hunting process but have since accepted the fact that the world is not a fair, perfect place where the right person gets the job every time. In fact it's a very unfair place that is very biased, unfair, racist, non-sensical and discriminatory. Just like…………THE REAL WORLD! It's very much who you know and right place right time and the best candidate is usually never hired. If you don't have an amazing Linkedin profile with a beautiful picture of you smiling with perfect teeth, then the fact is you will be judged, harshly. There are people with jobs right now who aren't as talented or qualified with you, sometimes that person is even the boss or the one interviewing you. Human are inherently flawed, emotional, conflicted individuals, not robots, with all sorts of biases and beliefs built in. It is literally…

I used to get frustrated and angry about the job hunting process but have since accepted the fact that the world is not a fair, perfect place where the right person gets the job every time. In fact it's a very unfair place that is very biased, unfair, racist, non-sensical and discriminatory. Just like…………THE REAL WORLD! It's very much who you know and right place right time and the best candidate is usually never hired. If you don't have an amazing Linkedin profile with a beautiful picture of you smiling with perfect teeth, then the fact is you will be judged, harshly. There are people with jobs right now who aren't as talented or qualified with you, sometimes that person is even the boss or the one interviewing you. Human are inherently flawed, emotional, conflicted individuals, not robots, with all sorts of biases and beliefs built in. It is literally like playing the lottery and 95% of getting hired is pure luck.

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