
Job hunting is the most soul crushing, demoralizing activity.

I’m sure this has been posted time and time again, but I’m feeling very down and just needed to vent. It starts with optimism that you’ll find something better, higher paying. Then adjusting expectations that you’ll be doing what you were doing for the same pay. Then after getting rejection after rejection, writing numerous bullshit cover letters, and wasted time interviewing with panel members that couldn’t appear less interested in being there, you start settling for the part time “urgently hiring” jobs. Hate feeling my self worth decline by the day. That is all. Thanks for reading.

I’m sure this has been posted time and time again, but I’m feeling very down and just needed to vent. It starts with optimism that you’ll find something better, higher paying. Then adjusting expectations that you’ll be doing what you were doing for the same pay. Then after getting rejection after rejection, writing numerous bullshit cover letters, and wasted time interviewing with panel members that couldn’t appear less interested in being there, you start settling for the part time “urgently hiring” jobs.

Hate feeling my self worth decline by the day. That is all. Thanks for reading.

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