
Job insecure. Check LinkedIn. 800+ applicants for similar jobs. Die inside.

The thought of so many people wanting the type of job I have doesn’t make me feel accomplished. Or like “the lucky one”. It makes me sad and terrified. Sad that, as humans, we’re pitted against each other like this. Hordes of us forced into a psychological Battle Royale. It’s disgusting. Terrified, because my job security is sketchy at best and in the blink of an eye I could be on the hunt again. One of hundreds of anxious, often experienced people, vying for the chance to simply…get by. If that. Companies know this too. They know how expendable we are. They know it amplifies our desperation to not lose whatever job we have and accept much less than we’re worth. Financially and spiritually. It’s truly fucked. And it’s no wonder so many of us are burnt out and looking for the exit. That sunset road. It’s not sustainable.

The thought of so many people wanting the type of job I have doesn’t make me feel accomplished. Or like “the lucky one”. It makes me sad and terrified.

Sad that, as humans, we’re pitted against each other like this. Hordes of us forced into a psychological Battle Royale. It’s disgusting.

Terrified, because my job security is sketchy at best and in the blink of an eye I could be on the hunt again. One of hundreds of anxious, often experienced people, vying for the chance to simply…get by. If that.

Companies know this too. They know how expendable we are. They know it amplifies our desperation to not lose whatever job we have and accept much less than we’re worth. Financially and spiritually.

It’s truly fucked. And it’s no wonder so many of us are burnt out and looking for the exit. That sunset road.

It’s not sustainable.

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