
Job interview tomorrow, but I know they want someone to start sooner rather later. Anti-working the 2 week notice!

I have a job interview tomorrow. This company is a big deal and would would be a big opportunity for me. It checks all the boxes. Remote,benefits, decent bonus, and opportunities for growth! With a little sleuthing I learned whoever they are interviewing they are definitely hiring. They took the job posting down and the talent agent put a lot of effort in making sure I interview tomorrow. 5 people were picked out of 30 people who applied! I looked on linked in, and it looks like the employee I would be replacing has post she is starting this other job soon. In my first interview I made a point to ask “when do you want to fill this position?” The person interviewing made a joke by saying “tomorrow.” But I made sure to say “I would like to give me job notice.” Even though I could careless. My boss…

I have a job interview tomorrow. This company is a big deal and would would be a big opportunity for me. It checks all the boxes. Remote,benefits, decent bonus, and opportunities for growth! With a little sleuthing I learned whoever they are interviewing they are definitely hiring. They took the job posting down and the talent agent put a lot of effort in making sure I interview tomorrow. 5 people were picked out of 30 people who applied! I looked on linked in, and it looks like the employee I would be replacing has post she is starting this other job soon. In my first interview I made a point to ask “when do you want to fill this position?” The person interviewing made a joke by saying “tomorrow.” But I made sure to say “I would like to give me job notice.” Even though I could careless. My boss is kinda of awful and I have always been a firm believer that if a company was going to let you go, they wouldn’t give you a two week notice. How do I tell them “I can start tomorrow!” But without saying as such.

Companies say they want you to do the right thing by giving a notice, but they really want you to be able to start here and now! I have a fully trained person that can take over my role immediately. My current company likes for everyone to think they are replaceable at a moments notice. In fact I expect they will likely terminate me for having the audacity to even considering leaving them. I can’t mention that or risk the interviewer knowing I am grasping at straws to find a less toxic environment. I don’t want to lose out on the opportunity to someone else who is unemployed and can start immediately. My husband who works for another company (HR manager) said “for the right person they would be willing to wait.” But in the same breath said “they could careless about the current company you are with!” How do I answer this question? But to be honest I’ve always been anti-working the two weeks notice!

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