
Job interviews are so brutal these days…

I got laid off from my previous employer just to get a contract job 5 months later in a job with no benefits, huge cut in pay and no vacation time the same year I got married (9/16/23). I was hired to be a recruiter and the person who scheduled for the team left, so I have a dual job and my skills are going down the drain from lack of use… I applied to a tech company and am in a final interview process. As mentioned, I got married recently and went on a honeymoon so I didn’t accommodate interviews those 2 weeks. I came back and was told this company needed me to do 5 separate 45 minute interviews…in a week. I also traveled into the city to meet my boss from Australia and am traveling this week. Finally get all the interviews scheduled after them pushing back…

I got laid off from my previous employer just to get a contract job 5 months later in a job with no benefits, huge cut in pay and no vacation time the same year I got married (9/16/23). I was hired to be a recruiter and the person who scheduled for the team left, so I have a dual job and my skills are going down the drain from lack of use…

I applied to a tech company and am in a final interview process. As mentioned, I got married recently and went on a honeymoon so I didn’t accommodate interviews those 2 weeks. I came back and was told this company needed me to do 5 separate 45 minute interviews…in a week. I also traveled into the city to meet my boss from Australia and am traveling this week.

Finally get all the interviews scheduled after them pushing back on my lack of availability (twice). I get on the first 2 back to back interviews without being able to prepare…and it didn’t go great. I had an additional interview where I could tell they weren’t blown away.

Last interview I squeezed in on the last night at my family’s place at 7:45pm. He starts interviewing me and asks if I have any questions. I came in prepared so of course have a ton of questions. As we are about at time he goes “oh and I have to go thru all of the rest of the questions I have for you…” at this point I’m checked out. He keeps me until 9pm and then I ask for his feedback and it’s not stellar.

So I just got an email changing my last interview tomorrow from 45 to 30 minutes. I know it’s because I’m not being chosen and I don’t want to attend.

What would you do in my position?

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