
Job is Listed

Noticed the job I have was still listed a few months back and thought maybe they never took the position down (didn’t seem to be a new upload and I was still fairly new). Checked in a week ago and it looks like it was “re listed” ( said it was posted 24 days ago). Have not seen my boss do any type of interviewing activities (we usually do onsite, unless he’s doing virtual). Feel really unsure if I should worry. I feel like I am still struggling getting used to this position (totally new job function and it’s new to the company as well so it’s a lot of changes and growing pains). Afraid to approach and ask, but can’t deny this weighs heavy. I’ve been told he’s the type to “shoot it to you straight” and he hasn’t pulled me aside as if he’s dissatisfied. Don’t really know…

Noticed the job I have was still listed a few months back and thought maybe they never took the position down (didn’t seem to be a new upload and I was still fairly new). Checked in a week ago and it looks like it was “re listed” ( said it was posted 24 days ago). Have not seen my boss do any type of interviewing activities (we usually do onsite, unless he’s doing virtual). Feel really unsure if I should worry. I feel like I am still struggling getting used to this position (totally new job function and it’s new to the company as well so it’s a lot of changes and growing pains). Afraid to approach and ask, but can’t deny this weighs heavy. I’ve been told he’s the type to “shoot it to you straight” and he hasn’t pulled me aside as if he’s dissatisfied. Don’t really know what to do.

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