
Job is threatening to reprimand me for not showing up earlier than when I get paid.

The other day, my manager pulled me aside and said, “Hey, you've been here right at the start of your shift. You must arrive 10 minutes earlier to ensure you will be here to work. Next time you come in at this time, we're going to write you up.” I just nodded and got out of the room as soon as possible. Some co-workers said my manager was chewing me out for being “late.” It's crazy that they don't want to pay us for being there earlier because then it would slip into overtime, so they're willing to write me up for being “late” even though I don't get paid earlier, and I've NEVER been actually late. Does anyone have any tips on how best to document this? It's technically illegal.

The other day, my manager pulled me aside and said, “Hey, you've been here right at the start of your shift. You must arrive 10 minutes earlier to ensure you will be here to work. Next time you come in at this time, we're going to write you up.” I just nodded and got out of the room as soon as possible. Some co-workers said my manager was chewing me out for being “late.” It's crazy that they don't want to pay us for being there earlier because then it would slip into overtime, so they're willing to write me up for being “late” even though I don't get paid earlier, and I've NEVER been actually late. Does anyone have any tips on how best to document this? It's technically illegal.

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