
job is wearing me down

Been at my current job for just over 11 months now. It’s an entry level position in my industry but pay is decent. Started at 18/hr and just got a raise to 20.5/hr about a month ago. Thing is this job is great, love most of my coworkers, I enjoy the work, but the management is killing everyone I work with. A few months ago we lost 2 of our employees who moved onto other jobs and our managers have completely fumbled the bag with getting replacements. We’ve hired 3 people since then. one of them is really solid, one is completely deadweight probably on their way out, and the other one was fired a few weeks ago. They have been pushing everyone to the limit, expecting even more work to get done with less people to do it. Bouncing me and one other coworker between mornings and night shifts.…

Been at my current job for just over 11 months now. It’s an entry level position in my industry but pay is decent. Started at 18/hr and just got a raise to 20.5/hr about a month ago. Thing is this job is great, love most of my coworkers, I enjoy the work, but the management is killing everyone I work with. A few months ago we lost 2 of our employees who moved onto other jobs and our managers have completely fumbled the bag with getting replacements. We’ve hired 3 people since then. one of them is really solid, one is completely deadweight probably on their way out, and the other one was fired a few weeks ago. They have been pushing everyone to the limit, expecting even more work to get done with less people to do it. Bouncing me and one other coworker between mornings and night shifts. I told my manager recently I was getting a second job in the evenings and wouldn’t be able to work at night anymore and told me essentially that’s too bad you can’t do that. I have PTO expiring in less than a month that I haven’t been able to use because of how bad our staffing situation is. He is being extremely vague and elusive about a resolution to that whether it is a payout or letting me take time off. Overall he is really brash and rude, and constantly makes rude comments about how i’m “soft” because I can’t get basic needs met by the company such as scheduling or PTO. I’m so tired of this shit. I have to go in tomorrow and am fantasizing about never going back. Someone please help me this is wearing on my mental health so much. After a year of grinding and bending over backwards, and never calling off once they can’t respect anything I ask

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