
Job listing bait and switch?

Hey guys long time lurker now I would like some advice. My girlfriend started a new job at a collision center about 4 months ago. The position she applied for was for an insurance estimator which was advertised as starting off at 25 an hour. The position they put her in is customer service which is only 18 an hour. Immediately after hiring her they started training her to be an estimator anyways. There are supposed to be 3 estimators total but one of them went on medical leave and the other one quit. So for about two months now she has been doing 3 positions worth of estimates by herself which is supposed to be 25 an hour on top of still also doing customer service and is still only making 18 an hour. I told her she needs to tell the manager she needs to get the proper…

Hey guys long time lurker now I would like some advice.

My girlfriend started a new job at a collision center about 4 months ago. The position she applied for was for an insurance estimator which was advertised as starting off at 25 an hour. The position they put her in is customer service which is only 18 an hour.

Immediately after hiring her they started training her to be an estimator anyways. There are supposed to be 3 estimators total but one of them went on medical leave and the other one quit.

So for about two months now she has been doing 3 positions worth of estimates by herself which is supposed to be 25 an hour on top of still also doing customer service and is still only making 18 an hour.

I told her she needs to tell the manager she needs to get the proper pay immediately. Every time she brings it up he brushes it off saying he'll talk about it with his boss whenever he gets the chance to talk to him but it probably won't happen because she's in “training” and no one gets raises until they have been there at least a year. It's a massive corporation with 1000+ locations btw. Funny enough he often complains about young people not wanting to work , I wonder why.

I feel like she absolutely should be getting the proper pay for the work she's doing. I'm pretty pissed off about this. I feel like she isn't as pushy as she should be but she doesn't want to cause confrontation. Is there possibly any legal action we could take preferably anonymously? We are in Virginia US.

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