
Job overpaid me on last check and tried to pull it back without contacting me-is that possible?

I resigned from my job recently. It wasn’t under good circumstances. I could write a whole post on that, but in the end, I resigned and had a new role with a different company for more money within a month. Yay me! I was expecting a last check for one week’s pay. Got two. Didn’t think anything of it. I was locked out of the system for viewing paystubs. So I assumed it was accurate and moved on with my life. Silly me. A few days later, I got a “please call me ASAP” call from the HR rep. Turns out they overpaid me. OK, no big deal. I just asked for the amount owed and how to send the amount back. Her response was “Well, most people just send a check…” Ok, but I still need an amount and way to send. And can I also get the paystub…

I resigned from my job recently. It wasn’t under good circumstances. I could write a whole post on that, but in the end, I resigned and had a new role with a different company for more money within a month. Yay me!

I was expecting a last check for one week’s pay. Got two. Didn’t think anything of it. I was locked out of the system for viewing paystubs. So I assumed it was accurate and moved on with my life. Silly me.

A few days later, I got a “please call me ASAP” call from the HR rep. Turns out they overpaid me. OK, no big deal. I just asked for the amount owed and how to send the amount back. Her response was “Well, most people just send a check…”

Ok, but I still need an amount and way to send. And can I also get the paystub to confirm? I was polite and wasn’t giving any grief.

Then she said, “Well, we tried to claw it back but couldn’t.”

That’s NOT cool with me. They were going to just take money out of my account without telling me? Even if they’re in the right- I’m not trying to keep the overpayment- this is horribly rude and really could have screwed me badly.

I have one final payment coming tomorrow from then for unpaid PTO. I still don’t have the paystubs or the instructions to repay or the amount I owe them. I’m a bit worried they’re going to do something that will play havoc with my account. It’d be one thing for them to take the one week payment; that’s still in the account. But if they screw up and accidentally take more, it will be a mess. And since they screwed up the paycheck in the first place, who knows?

I’m going to talk to my bank tomorrow to see what I can do to block them from doing anything else with my account. Any ideas? Anybody else go through this?

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