
Job poached me just to downsize and terminate less than 6 months later

Back in 2016 I started with CRFS. Now back then these guys were just a means to an end. It was a shitty desk job but I happened to be really good at it. I stayed there through covid when they switched to WFH and stayed that way permanently(even recorded half the training procedure videos so my voice is forever held imprisoned there) . I moved up eventually to what was essentially an assistant manager position (although not paid like one). I stayed there through multiple mental breakdowns due to insane pressure from higher ups and absolutely unrealistic expectations. This place was pretty well known in our area for being brutal and shitty. But after years it took its toll and I couldn't do it and bugged out and left in 2021 to work at Aldi (that's a whole story in its own) but in 2023 CRFS reached out to…

Back in 2016 I started with CRFS. Now back then these guys were just a means to an end. It was a shitty desk job but I happened to be really good at it. I stayed there through covid when they switched to WFH and stayed that way permanently(even recorded half the training procedure videos so my voice is forever held imprisoned there) . I moved up eventually to what was essentially an assistant manager position (although not paid like one). I stayed there through multiple mental breakdowns due to insane pressure from higher ups and absolutely unrealistic expectations.

This place was pretty well known in our area for being brutal and shitty. But after years it took its toll and I couldn't do it and bugged out and left in 2021 to work at Aldi (that's a whole story in its own) but in 2023 CRFS reached out to me asking if I wanted to come back as a processor again with the plan of going up to QC. They let me name my price and did a solid job convincing me things were different now.

So I made the mistake of going back and woooooowwwwww it was a mess. I was constantly struggling to get the access I needed The help I needed was never present because everyone was stretched too thin. And they started hiring people but not training them properly so help was there but it wasn't helping.

Then end of Jan we all get an invite for a company meeting. They announced they would be using the W.A.R.N. act within a week or so that they federally have to if laying of more than X percentage of employees. So we all waited to see who would keep their jobs. “Miraculously” they found a new investor and they weren't doing the WARN act after all.

Great! Right?

Well 2 weeks later I open my email and I have a one on one meeting with the President and VP of the company.


So I course reach out to everyone and we figure out that some people got individual meetings and others are in one big group meeting.

Well I had a few hours before my meeting so I didn't do shit. I practically went through the 7 stages of grief while waiting. Finally throwing on No fear for the setting sun by Amon Amarth and facing it.

Of course they rattle off a bunch of sorry ls and everything and explain why I had to terminated to make budget for the company along with half the company (meanwhile the ones talking to me make 6 figures and they'd pay me less if they could) and I just let them go. When they asked if I had any questions I told them they were soulless fucking ghouls and if I ever saw them I'd make sure to tell them to their face too.

So yesterday I finally went to turn my computer and swipe badge for building entry. Lucky for me, the VP was the one to greet me at the entry and took the computer. Last i pulled out my lanyard with the swipe and as soon as he went to grab it I tossed it to the side on the ground , flipped him the bird while I made raspberries and then told him again he was a fucking Ghoul and that he could tell the president he's a fucking Ghoul too.

Man that felt good. I also recorded the interaction for rainy days when I'm feeling blue Thank you and I apologize if I'm all over the place. ADHD is my copilot.

Corporate ghouls be Corporate ghouls and I was lucky enough to tell them

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