
Job posted then taken down?

I’m not sure what to think of it. A position with most of my duties was posted in Indeed and the company website. Someone mentioned it and HR then said it was by accident and took it down. This whole thing has me on edge and rage applying. How do you make a mistake twice posting on Indeed AND company site? Should I keep looking? I recently got promoted and making above market rate. The position was not exactly my title but about 90% percent of my current duties with much lower pay.

I’m not sure what to think of it. A position with most of my duties was posted in Indeed and the company website. Someone mentioned it and HR then said it was by accident and took it down. This whole thing has me on edge and rage applying. How do you make a mistake twice posting on Indeed AND company site?

Should I keep looking? I recently got promoted and making above market rate. The position was not exactly my title but about 90% percent of my current duties with much lower pay.

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