
Job requires 4 week notice

Started this job in August and I was planning to stay a year max. However, I might be starting grad school in January instead of Fall 2024. The job is at a small place and I just remembered that my contract for part-time employment included: “Employment pursuant to this Part Time Employment Contract may be terminated as follows: a) by the employee with four (4) weeks notice to the Employer. The Employer, in its sole discretion, may waive such notice in whole or in part and such waiver shall not be considered a termination;” Like wow. I fcked up by signing this huh? EDIT: Ontario, Canada is anyone is curious.

Started this job in August and I was planning to stay a year max. However, I might be starting grad school in January instead of Fall 2024. The job is at a small place and I just remembered that my contract for part-time employment included:

“Employment pursuant to this Part Time Employment Contract may be terminated as follows:

a) by the employee with four (4) weeks notice to the Employer. The Employer, in its sole discretion, may waive such notice in whole or in part and such waiver shall not be considered a termination;”

Like wow. I fcked up by signing this huh?

EDIT: Ontario, Canada is anyone is curious.

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