
Job switch

I started a job about six months ago. Things started out ok and I am working directly with two attorneys and their assistants for what I was told for “backup/overflow work”. Fast forward to now, one of the women decided to one day stop talking to me, communicating about pending work nothing just shows to me that she does not like me and does not want me there. This has made the job all the more difficult as I am trying to learn matters from scratch that she knows for the past 7 years. She sabotages me when I do things for her boss by this lack of communication which I’m turn he is livid with me telling me that her and I should communicate etc. He has to be blind to not see her blatant disregard for me. She also has another office buddy two cubicles up who all…

I started a job about six months ago. Things started out ok and I am working directly with two attorneys and their assistants for what I was told for “backup/overflow work”. Fast forward to now, one of the women decided to one day stop talking to me, communicating about pending work nothing just shows to me that she does not like me and does not want me there. This has made the job all the more difficult as I am trying to learn matters from scratch that she knows for the past 7 years. She sabotages me when I do things for her boss by this lack of communication which I’m turn he is livid with me telling me that her and I should communicate etc.

He has to be blind to not see her blatant disregard for me. She also has another office buddy two cubicles up who all day are disruptive, cracking jokes and staring me down in my cubicle with the look of death. In my twenty year career I’ve never been treated so poorly or degraded by people in my life. I told my ten year old it’s like being in school with a bully.

Of course, I’ve been looking bc I am absolutely miserable got a job offer five minutes away opposed to 40 mile round trip per day. I did not tell them and I can start this job right away.

Question to you all is I packed up my desk on my way out last night. They are super busy and I feel bad leaving the other girl in the dust but as I’ve been told and know I need to do what I need to do for me and my family. Another note, my husband died they gave me one paid day off this woman did not even have the courtesy to say sorry for your loss and did not expect me to take any time off.

Do I give notice or ghost them and forget about this awful horrible experience.

Thank you for listening.

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