
Job will not refuse or deny raise

I work at a fortune 100 company. I completed a required thing where i met with someone newer twice a month to talk about work for about a year. Then I talked with my boss, awhile ago. They werent aware of the program so I was just wanting next steps as far as paperwork or whatever else needed to be completed to receive the pittance of a raise. That was a long time ago. Many moons. I recently met with them and in so many words told them that i didn't feel as if I was being represented well, and was frustrated at the situation. They told me that they would follow up yet again. Again I hear nothing. I have another meeting tomorrow where I will yet again be told that it's still a work in progress. No deadline will be given and nothing but reassurance that it will…

I work at a fortune 100 company. I completed a required thing where i met with someone newer twice a month to talk about work for about a year. Then I talked with my boss, awhile ago. They werent aware of the program so I was just wanting next steps as far as paperwork or whatever else needed to be completed to receive the pittance of a raise.

That was a long time ago. Many moons.

I recently met with them and in so many words told them that i didn't feel as if I was being represented well, and was frustrated at the situation. They told me that they would follow up yet again. Again I hear nothing.

I have another meeting tomorrow where I will yet again be told that it's still a work in progress. No deadline will be given and nothing but reassurance that it will be considered by the higher up people when they have the time to do so.

My boss is the kind of person who is on linked in talking about helping people become successful but can't tell me if i will get a raise or not. I do nothing but great work, and am basically a model employee.
My only flaw that I know of is I am basically the opposite of my boss (who couldn't articulate a single reason why i wouldn't get this raise/promotion when I asked, and everyone knows was a personality hire). I am not upbeat at work. I bascially do not go out of my way to talk to people at work. I do not care how anyone, including my boss, is doing most days.

What would r/antiwork do in this situation?
I am planning on exiting this company, hopefully within a year, whether or not i get the raise. My fear is that if I attempt to escalate this request to the upper management i might get it but would give reason to my direct MGMT to try and retaliate indirectly somehow, and I am not in a place in life where losing income would be convenient.

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