
Jobs are taking our health insurance coverage hostage

This is just kind of a vent post. I’ve been stuck in a job where I’m underpaid with a toxic boss. While I hate my boss, I like everyone else. It’s just that I can’t work with her anymore, she’s a micromanager but is so stupid. She is rather ignorant and has said many racist and offensive things, she also claims that we’re “family” and uses that as an excuse to yell at her workers and pressure them into doing more than they’re required to do. Typical boomer bullshit. As a result, most of her employees are older people who don’t question her orders and do not know about their own labor rights. She did not even know that full time workers are mandated to have hour long lunch breaks until a year ago—turns out she had been encouraging her workers to not take the whole hour and justified it…

This is just kind of a vent post. I’ve been stuck in a job where I’m underpaid with a toxic boss. While I hate my boss, I like everyone else. It’s just that I can’t work with her anymore, she’s a micromanager but is so stupid.

She is rather ignorant and has said many racist and offensive things, she also claims that we’re “family” and uses that as an excuse to yell at her workers and pressure them into doing more than they’re required to do. Typical boomer bullshit. As a result, most of her employees are older people who don’t question her orders and do not know about their own labor rights. She did not even know that full time workers are mandated to have hour long lunch breaks until a year ago—turns out she had been encouraging her workers to not take the whole hour and justified it because the company is a non profit. She always complains about young people not wanting to work for her, but it’s pretty obvious why they don’t want to stay. She’s basically a sociopathic, lazy, spoiled child.

I recently accepted a job somewhere else—it’s similar to what I do now but the pay is much better, the environment is more progressive, and the people much younger and closer to my age group. However, and this is my fault, I didn’t realize that my new job only offers employees health coverage until after the probationary period (90 days). This was after I said my last day would be late this month in May. I asked around and HR said if I quit early June they’ll cover me for the rest of the month. All my coworkers said it shouldn’t be a problem because it’s just a few days more, and I never signed anything.

Here’s a background—I have ADHD and take medication for it. It is a controlled substance and expensive without insurance.

I asked again last week if I could move my last day, boss kept me hanging and then told me today with barely concealed smugness that she can’t because she already found my replacement. She said something about how the budget was already finalized and said I could only stay at latest on May 31st. I said there’s no point and just said May 28th is fine. She said we verbally agreed and that counts even though I haven’t signed anything, even though she thought I said May 24th before (I said May 28th) and she still wrote May 31st on the official paperwork thinking she could get me to stay longer.

She then said I was “taking advantage of” the company by trying to get them to pay for another month of insurance, and that in the future, I can’t try to take advantage of the companies that I work for (literally Idk what she was trying to say here, but as I mentioned earlier, she’s not the brightest and she’s ignorant about things like this).

Idk what else to say, I’m very lucky that 3 months of no coverage won’t completely bankrupt me. Yes, it’s still quite a lot of money (I think like $500 to $600 per month) but I don’t have to worry about covering basic living expenses. She’s done this to previous coworkers as well—moved a coworker to part time without any written warning first and he lost his insurance and had to beg his second job to extend his hours. He ended up transferring because of her abusive management style. She did the same to another guy, and he quit and got a new job, because why would he even stay?

It’s just so fucked up that we have to work to get health insurance. That also means that people in positions of power can effectively keep our health insurance hostage. Im in a position of privilege where paying out of pocket would just mean I’d have to stop ordering takeout or order online, but what If I had student loans to pay back or had a family to take care of?

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