Earlier this week, my boss gave us our monthly client reviews via email. For the past several months, I have gotten all high scores, with few low ones once in a while. Can't make everyone happy so not a big deal. Last month, I got a low score and boss said client left feedback that will be shared at a later date. I responded a few minutes later after receiving said email that I'd like for that feedback to be shared now so that it's written down. “I'll print out a copy of the feedback and give that to you.” You know good and well that isn't what I meant! I've got no idea what this client could be upset about. If it was something serious, why wasn't it brought to my attention and addressed sooner? If it's fairly minor, why the delay in sharing the info with me? I tried asking a different manager if they could tell me what was going on. I was told later that my boss would tell me. It has been a couple of days since the first email and I'm driving myself nuts trying to figure out the problem and steadily getting more irritated with management's lack of communication. I might just rage quit over this because I've already got one foot out the door, just gotta finish getting a certification in a different field then I can get the hell out of dodge.