
Just called out and I feel guilty and I hate it

I work in a pharmacy, we recently just got caught up from thanksgiving but I know it won’t last long. I got a root canal yesterday and my manager gave me her cold bc she won’t ever wear a mask again, so yeah I called out today and I’m feeling guilty while still knowing it’s stupid. I work just under 40 hours at 13.60 an hour (full time at my job is 30 hours) but I’m still classified as a part time employee so I don’t accrue vacation or sick days, my overtime is only 50 cents not time and a half, for all these reasons I feel like I shouldn’t feel guilty at all if I’m truly sick and in pain but here I am with my misplaced guilt and fear I’m disappointing someone. I’m so tired of this, I am a good employee I should be allowed a…

I work in a pharmacy, we recently just got caught up from thanksgiving but I know it won’t last long. I got a root canal yesterday and my manager gave me her cold bc she won’t ever wear a mask again, so yeah I called out today and I’m feeling guilty while still knowing it’s stupid.

I work just under 40 hours at 13.60 an hour (full time at my job is 30 hours) but I’m still classified as a part time employee so I don’t accrue vacation or sick days, my overtime is only 50 cents not time and a half, for all these reasons I feel like I shouldn’t feel guilty at all if I’m truly sick and in pain but here I am with my misplaced guilt and fear I’m disappointing someone.

I’m so tired of this, I am a good employee I should be allowed a sick day without guilt eating me up

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