
Just existing at work.

Hello everyone, first post here, I just got hired by an IT company and right from the start everything is just scummy and sucks. The damn contract has a clause that if I terminate the contract or they terminate the contract for just cause I need to repay them the training they provided up to a minimum of 4K euros or more. And now I'm currently 2 days in on the job during the 30 day experimental phase and I haven't done anything. 1st day: Showed up on time, wasn't greeted by anyone. Quick chat with my supposed supervisor, got a desk and a computer, got my email credentials and that was it. I spent the whole day in front of the computer without any tasks from 9 to 18. Whenever I requested tasks I was told to wait and be patient. 2nd day/Today: Got a morning meeting with the…

Hello everyone, first post here, I just got hired by an IT company and right from the start everything is just scummy and sucks.

The damn contract has a clause that if I terminate the contract or they terminate the contract for just cause I need to repay them the training they provided up to a minimum of 4K euros or more.

And now I'm currently 2 days in on the job during the 30 day experimental phase and I haven't done anything.

1st day: Showed up on time, wasn't greeted by anyone. Quick chat with my supposed supervisor, got a desk and a computer, got my email credentials and that was it. I spent the whole day in front of the computer without any tasks from 9 to 18. Whenever I requested tasks I was told to wait and be patient.

2nd day/Today: Got a morning meeting with the supervisor to discuss my tasks and what I will be doing initially and then I was told I would be given tasks after lunch. Here I am currently waiting, doing nothing. Gotta wait 3 more hours until I get tasks.

What would you guys do? I need some guidance but this is clearly abuse.

Sorry if this was not the right place to post this.

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