
Just experienced a bunch of fuckery.

I started a new job as a maid/housekeeper/cleaning tech, for a small, local cleaning company. The amount of contradictory and insane bullshit I have experienced in the time I've worked there is EXHAUSTING. They reassured me many times that new hires often didn't finish on time, and that I would build up speed with time. However, at the end of my first week of training, my trainer told me to “speed up”. Apparently, with two people working, the time should be cut in half… but it was cut by a third. Obviously, because I was new. So I started to rush and hurry. At the end of the day she told me that if I hadn't sped up, I would have been canned on the spot. From then on, I became TERRIFIED of getting fired for my speed. Every time I finished a job late, I wondered if I was…

I started a new job as a maid/housekeeper/cleaning tech, for a small, local cleaning company.

The amount of contradictory and insane bullshit I have experienced in the time I've worked there is EXHAUSTING.

They reassured me many times that new hires often didn't finish on time, and that I would build up speed with time. However, at the end of my first week of training, my trainer told me to “speed up”. Apparently, with two people working, the time should be cut in half… but it was cut by a third. Obviously, because I was new. So I started to rush and hurry. At the end of the day she told me that if I hadn't sped up, I would have been canned on the spot. From then on, I became TERRIFIED of getting fired for my speed. Every time I finished a job late, I wondered if I was going to get a phone call telling me to come into the office for a “talk”. I pushed myself to rush through every job and try to finish on time. As a result, they praised me for my speed, and said I was doing well for a new hire.

The supply depot for our cleaning supplies was very far from me (nearly an hour drive) so they told me to get a LOT of supplies so that I didnt have to drive out there very often. They pushed me to get double of everything. This morning they just told me that I used “too many supplies”. What the fuck? You guys TOLD me to take those supplies! (Note: this was one supply run. I did not go back again and again for more. I made these supplies last up until today.)

They also told me that I seemed “germaphobic”. One of the houses I cleaned had a bathroom with shit caked everywhere. The walls, the floor, the toilet, etc. I told a co-worker how gross I thought it was. She herself gagged while cleaning the toilet. Apparently this coworker told management about my comments, and management got the impression that I was “germaphobic” and not suited to the job. Fuck me for having a normal response to human shit, right? The biggest irony is that this coworker has bitched and moaned about human feces and filthy rooms herself, but had never gotten any flak for it.

They also told me that I made “rude comments” in front of a client about the cleanliness of their home. I never did any such thing. The only comments I made about cleanliness were to my coworker, and I said them quietly and outside of the home. I'm pretty sure this coworker lied and made it seem like I had said these private comments in front of the homeowners. And once again, the big irony here is that she has said much worse in front of homeowners. My trainer has said some questionable stuff in front of clients as well.

When management called me in this morning to have a “talk”, I outright asked them if I was getting put on a PIP or canned. They side-stepped the question, and kept asking me how I felt about the job. They kept pressing me about my true feelings about the job, like they were trying to get me to confess how much I didn't like it or something. I stayed neutral. Eventually, they outright said that they suspected that I wasn't “a good fit”, due to the issues mentioned above. I didn't want to bother arguing with them – they didn't like me for some reason and wanted me gone, so they pulled a few excuses out of their ass, hoping I would quit on the spot. So I simply agreed with them, returned their supplies, and got my last check (they already had it made up, so there was clearly only one outcome).

Fuck that place.

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