
Just found out my job is “performance based”…

So I'm fucking pissed!! Wasn't informed during my interview or any time after the job started over a month ago, had a performance review cuz I messed up on some small things and due to a Karen blowing something out of proportion that never even happened. But I still got a verbal warning/performance review because of it. Today our group chat got a text saying schedules have been updated so I go to see and I see my 11 hours that I had for that week were dropped to 3 ½! Ask my boss about it and she said it's cuz the job is performance based and that we can discuss me getting more hours at the next review (idk when that's gonna be). I am just fuming even more cuz I have told her I'm struggling with money and need to look into a second job and then she…

So I'm fucking pissed!!
Wasn't informed during my interview or any time after the job started over a month ago, had a performance review cuz I messed up on some small things and due to a Karen blowing something out of proportion that never even happened.

But I still got a verbal warning/performance review because of it.

Today our group chat got a text saying schedules have been updated so I go to see and I see my 11 hours that I had for that week were dropped to 3 ½!

Ask my boss about it and she said it's cuz the job is performance based and that we can discuss me getting more hours at the next review (idk when that's gonna be).

I am just fuming even more cuz I have told her I'm struggling with money and need to look into a second job and then she drops my hours by so many?!!!

Just seems shitty to me.

Edit: hearing other jobs are performance based, sorry then for getting so worked up, other jobs I've done had a performance system but none of them affected the hours I worked, at least not to this degree.

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