
Just found out that my boss has been making me do work not in my contract

I've been in my position for around 6 months now and only because someone had injured themselves loading and unloading boxes has the company said that it is not our responsibility (the store we work in has an agreement to do it – this was specifically outlined by hr). My manager asks me to perform this task almost every shift I do and it contributes to back pain and adds an unnecessary time pressure on an already busy schedule. Im now pretty pissed off that all that work was not my responsibility and am looking for some a grade antiwork suggests so fire away

I've been in my position for around 6 months now and only because someone had injured themselves loading and unloading boxes has the company said that it is not our responsibility (the store we work in has an agreement to do it – this was specifically outlined by hr).

My manager asks me to perform this task almost every shift I do and it contributes to back pain and adds an unnecessary time pressure on an already busy schedule.

Im now pretty pissed off that all that work was not my responsibility and am looking for some a grade antiwork suggests so fire away

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