
Just found out the new employee with no experience got hired on at more than I make after two years.

I work at a bank. And I love my job. I love my customers, I always chat about their day and I try so hard to make everyone that leaves me leave with a smile. I got hired on with no experience at $10.00 an hour. My first raise was after a year and it was $2. My second raise was a year later and it was .30 cents. So now I make 13.30. They promoted the head teller and wanted me to take her job. It came with a 1$ raise. I told them I didn’t want the extra responsibility because I still wasn’t super comfortable with knowing everything. So instead they gave me the extra responsibility without the raise or the label. I’m in charge of the vault, the atm, the logs, the every-fucking-thing. We were short staffed for so long, with only three tellers. They just hired…

I work at a bank. And I love my job. I love my customers, I always chat about their day and I try so hard to make everyone that leaves me leave with a smile.

I got hired on with no experience at $10.00 an hour.
My first raise was after a year and it was $2. My second raise was a year later and it was .30 cents. So now I make 13.30. They promoted the head teller and wanted me to take her job. It came with a 1$ raise. I told them I didn’t want the extra responsibility because I still wasn’t super comfortable with knowing everything.

So instead they gave me the extra responsibility without the raise or the label. I’m in charge of the vault, the atm, the logs, the every-fucking-thing. We were short staffed for so long, with only three tellers.

They just hired two new girls, both with no experience. One of them asked me about raises so I told her my experience. She said they told her she’d get hired on at $17 but offered her $14 instead.

I put my two weeks in about a month ago and really made an effort to look for a new job but I live in a small town and all the good jobs are hours away. I couldn’t find anything. It was the day before my two weeks were up and the president, my bosses boss, and my supervisor had all been begging me to stay. My customers love me. Some will wait in line when another teller is open just so I can handle their transactions.

I don’t wanna toot my own horn but I’m damn good at my job. I can’t physically come in a do a bad job. So I went to my supervisor with an offer. Give me $15 and I’ll stay. She said they wouldn’t do that. They all but laughed at me. But I hadn’t found anything else and I have bills. So I had to stay.

I’m beyond disgusted. I’ve wasted two years of my life at a job that takes advantage of me. I’m taking my Christmas bonus and they’ll find my keys in the night drop. Don’t treat your best employees like shit.

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