
Just got fired for the first time…

I started thus job about a year ago and I assumed things were going fine, I did not enjoy the workplace much and the management was chaotic but I needed the money so I showed up on time and did what I was assigned. About three months ago my only other coworker quit doubling my workload which made it almost impossible for me to not to work overtime which was making me miserable, recently they hired on a new scheduler to work with me and things were going well. The director quit and a new one was brought in who changed policies on a Friday, that following Monday I forgot the changed the policy for where to punch in and punched in incorrectly which I was immediately written up for with no warning. Last week I was written up for not ordering supplies in a timely manner, even though that…

I started thus job about a year ago and I assumed things were going fine, I did not enjoy the workplace much and the management was chaotic but I needed the money so I showed up on time and did what I was assigned. About three months ago my only other coworker quit doubling my workload which made it almost impossible for me to not to work overtime which was making me miserable, recently they hired on a new scheduler to work with me and things were going well.
The director quit and a new one was brought in who changed policies on a Friday, that following Monday I forgot the changed the policy for where to punch in and punched in incorrectly which I was immediately written up for with no warning.
Last week I was written up for not ordering supplies in a timely manner, even though that job had moved to my new coworker. They also included that I needed to stop calling over to the other cubical for approvals, they had moved me into that room so I did not need to call to get approvals anylonger and could just call over so this upset me.

Today I went into work, did all the morning work I needed to do, did my morning meetings and suddenly they call me into a room and terminate me. I was told “I couldn't keep up” and “wasn't a good fit” and I made “too many mistakes” when I asked what mistakes I made because no one had mentioned any poor performance to me they said it didn't really matter. They told me that I asked too many questions, even though management had changed four times in the year I was there and policies were never the same.

I just feel frustrated and defeated and now I'm worried I won't be able to get a new job, I have health conditions and I'm stressed I won't be able to get my medications. I have almost no savings due to the job being very low paying.

I paid off most of my credit card debt but I still have a car payment to make.

I have a job interview tomorrow but I can't help but feel like I'm just going to be a failure at that too

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