
Just got laid off from a job I actually really liked

Feeling a bit numb and lost. I’ve only been working there for a little over a year, but it was the first job I’ve had that I actually looked forward to going to. My work was hybrid and I could decide when I wanted to go into the office, but I got along well with my coworkers and worked well with them so I liked being in the office. We’d have hangouts occasionally after work as well. And then my boss was the best I’ve had. She would check in on me occasionally – not my work but me personally – but other than that she never micromanaged and only cared I was getting my shit done, not how I did it. And she was just a really cool and smart person. I know it was a decision that came down from the owner because my boss was blindsided as…

Feeling a bit numb and lost. I’ve only been working there for a little over a year, but it was the first job I’ve had that I actually looked forward to going to. My work was hybrid and I could decide when I wanted to go into the office, but I got along well with my coworkers and worked well with them so I liked being in the office. We’d have hangouts occasionally after work as well.

And then my boss was the best I’ve had. She would check in on me occasionally – not my work but me personally – but other than that she never micromanaged and only cared I was getting my shit done, not how I did it. And she was just a really cool and smart person.

I know it was a decision that came down from the owner because my boss was blindsided as well. I was one of 50 layoffs.

I guess it’s a decent severance package – I’ll still be paid in full with benefits for the next $60 days and then after that I’ll get my severance which is about a month worth of pay.

I dunno, just feeling lost right now because it was the first job I’ve had where I actually saw myself staying there for a while. I guess it’s just a lesson that no matter how good the company is or seems, you can’t count on them to have your back and you truly only have yourself.

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