
Just got news that I’m being laid off but in the meantime, I have to train the new people

So I'm using a throwaway to avoid being identified. For the last year, I have worked at a college as an advisor. Without going into much detail, I don't work on campus, I work an office on a military base, but I work for the school. My prior boss that hired me left soon after and since her replacement has come in, everything has gone down hill. The position I'm in is part time and pays for my grad school, because I don't have time to work full time right now. Anyways, since summer, I have been pulled to campus a few days a week to help “fill in” due to many other people leaving the position. I was reassured that once manning was sorted, I would return to my normal job duties. Well yesterday, my boss pulled me into her office and told me that my position is “being…

So I'm using a throwaway to avoid being identified. For the last year, I have worked at a college as an advisor. Without going into much detail, I don't work on campus, I work an office on a military base, but I work for the school. My prior boss that hired me left soon after and since her replacement has come in, everything has gone down hill.

The position I'm in is part time and pays for my grad school, because I don't have time to work full time right now. Anyways, since summer, I have been pulled to campus a few days a week to help “fill in” due to many other people leaving the position. I was reassured that once manning was sorted, I would return to my normal job duties.

Well yesterday, my boss pulled me into her office and told me that my position is “being eliminated” in December. This is so that she can have more money to hire another full time advisor I'm told. Here's the thing, the other position has been open since August…and I'm just told yesterday. And the full time is technically a paycut from what I make. For the same job. I am “allowed” to apply, but no guarantees I'll get it, and I would be required to work after hours, as well (the position is salaried, so no overtime).

Just a month ago, my boss asked if I wanted to transition to only working on campus and have a new advisor that “is an older man, with more experience, and more assertive” to take my office. But I was never under the impression saying no would lead to being laid off. She assured me that it was fully my choice.

Oh and here's the kicker, I'm being made to train two new advisors currently, and there are comments floating around that “everyone should have a master's for this job” even though just a bachelor's is required (and it literally pays less than teachers make, and we know that they're super underpaid). Also, I'm the only one with a bachelor's at this point at my job, so I feel like this is the legal roundabout way to get rid of me. They whine about being understaffed, but in my part time position, I handle 90% of the emails and inquiries we receive because the full time advisors are always “too busy” chatting with coworkers… So they'd rather get someone brand new, with zero training, than keep someone that actually knows the job. And there is zero training manual.

Anyways, any advice on what to do? I gotta find something by January to continue paying for school. I need something part time, remote, or freelance work. Also, is there anything I'm entitled to in this? I have no idea what to do.

Thanks for reading my rant.

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