
Just got to witness a C-suite member replace our department with his “mates”…one by one

I have just been made redundant. And while it's hit me real fucking hard on a personal level, I know this company had high turnover and I should have seen the red flags growing. A 50+ year old in the C-suite had begun ejecting previous leaders and started bringing in his mates, one by one…I had already been given a backseat to an older guy who shared my skill set who was self-admittedly “a friend from uni”. Sorry I can't compete with your mate. Mind you, this same C-suite member had boasted to me about how he'd participated in corruption at a bank to increase his share values, so we're not talking about someone particularly classy. And when I needed to hire someone a few months ago, he told me he knew “just the guy”. “The guy” being someone who had no experience whatsoever in this role, he was just…

I have just been made redundant. And while it's hit me real fucking hard on a personal level, I know this company had high turnover and I should have seen the red flags growing. A 50+ year old in the C-suite had begun ejecting previous leaders and started bringing in his mates, one by one…I had already been given a backseat to an older guy who shared my skill set who was self-admittedly “a friend from uni”. Sorry I can't compete with your mate. Mind you, this same C-suite member had boasted to me about how he'd participated in corruption at a bank to increase his share values, so we're not talking about someone particularly classy.

And when I needed to hire someone a few months ago, he told me he knew “just the guy”. “The guy” being someone who had no experience whatsoever in this role, he was just “someone he knew and trusted”. Okay?

I am person number 10 or something to go on this conveyor belt, so it's probably not rational to take this personally. But this implication I was crap at my job so had to go is just a kick in the stomach. That my replacements are all “uni friends” is just mindblowing.

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