
Just had an employer on indeed tell me (not ask) to “make myself available” for an in person interview 4.5 hours away with less than a 48 hour notice.

I told them that in 4 years of interviewing candidates I had never even considered passing off such a ridiculous request to a potential candidate. And to withdraw my application and not to contact me again. In what world would this EVER be expected from a candidate? A 9 HOUR ROUNDTRIP FOR 24-36K A YEAR?! In what world would a sane person even consider this? Let alone after “make yourself available”? This is literally why phone interviews exist. Where do these hiring managers even come from?

I told them that in 4 years of interviewing candidates I had never even considered passing off such a ridiculous request to a potential candidate. And to withdraw my application and not to contact me again. In what world would this EVER be expected from a candidate? A 9 HOUR ROUNDTRIP FOR 24-36K A YEAR?! In what world would a sane person even consider this? Let alone after “make yourself available”? This is literally why phone interviews exist. Where do these hiring managers even come from?

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