
Just had an interesting “Skip” meeting

Skip as in Skipping our Lead. We all had a group and then a one on one with our Manager and Director. Even the other sub-department threw my lead under the bus in how he treats us and those not even under his control. The eye opener was one of my fellow co-workers is a little over a year from retiring and basically stated it didn't matter if he waited till retirement or quit now. Our manager all but begged him not to quit. In the business I am, full time positions are few and hard to find. People tend to stay in them for years if not for their whole careers. The place I work at is the best paying of all the casinos and due to that, we are the highest paid Casino Theatrical Techs in the country and some of the highest paid theatrical techs in the…

Skip as in Skipping our Lead. We all had a group and then a one on one with our Manager and Director. Even the other sub-department threw my lead under the bus in how he treats us and those not even under his control. The eye opener was one of my fellow co-workers is a little over a year from retiring and basically stated it didn't matter if he waited till retirement or quit now.

Our manager all but begged him not to quit.

In the business I am, full time positions are few and hard to find. People tend to stay in them for years if not for their whole careers. The place I work at is the best paying of all the casinos and due to that, we are the highest paid Casino Theatrical Techs in the country and some of the highest paid theatrical techs in the country, only Broadway (IATSE 1) and Chicago (IATSE 2) pay better. Overall, my position is highly sought for, but as our manager has stated, nobody wants it.

Our Lead has such a reputation for being a hard to work for asshole, with rapid mood swings, and “never giving praise or thanks”, that nobody wants to work for him. Our director and manager have put feelers out and they all heard the same thing back. Nope, not working for him. So yes, this “skip” meeting is just them gathering nails to seal their case against my Lead to send him packing.

Without going into his mood swings, I just got back from a three week vacation. We always get “punished” when we take off Thursday is always the 1st day of the week for me. He needed me late Friday, but my punishment schedule goes:

  • Thursday: 4p til midnight
  • Friday: 3p till 11p
  • Saturday: 1p till 9p
  • Sunday: Noon till 8
  • Tuesday: 1p till 9p
  • Wednesday: off
  • Thursday: off
  • Friday: 5a till 1p
  • Saturday: 7a till 3p
  • Sunday 8a till 4p

Last time I took off, which was three weeks back at the end of April into May, was to take care of my elderly Mother after major vascular surgery. I came back to three months of 5a. There are some in my sub-department who don't want to see him go, but they are the two “golden” employees that he favours and get the shifts they want and can adjust them as they want. The rest of us just suffer from his screaming, tantrums, and wild shift changes that make it impossible to schedule anything outside of work.

I might also add, that after a rather protracted screaming match in front of an HR person, he got walked out of the building on the spot, suspended for two weeks, and had to take several courses on how to communicate and not be an asshole. Anybody else would have gotten fired long ago, yet he has been here 20+ years.

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