
Just had orientation for a new job, and I just noticed something…

So I'm what you'd call a “job hopper” (oh no, the horror!) did a small stint in the Army, and have since bounced from job to job, some manager positions, some not. I just landed a new job at a quaint little spot near to where I live, in an assistant GM role. And of course as with any new job, you must drudge through the “nO tOLeRaNcE” policies (sexual harassment/bullying etc) for the first week, or few days if you're lucky. So today, as I was sitting through hours of these stupid videos, I thought how ironic it is that they force you to watch these cringey ass videos, while the actual reality is the workplace is toxic as fuck, and bullying very much takes place, and basically the runs the show. I will say I've worked with some pretty good crews before, but its always the places that…

So I'm what you'd call a “job hopper” (oh no, the horror!) did a small stint in the Army, and have since bounced from job to job, some manager positions, some not. I just landed a new job at a quaint little spot near to where I live, in an assistant GM role. And of course as with any new job, you must drudge through the “nO tOLeRaNcE” policies (sexual harassment/bullying etc) for the first week, or few days if you're lucky. So today, as I was sitting through hours of these stupid videos, I thought how ironic it is that they force you to watch these cringey ass videos, while the actual reality is the workplace is toxic as fuck, and bullying very much takes place, and basically the runs the show.

I will say I've worked with some pretty good crews before, but its always the places that harp on zErO tOLeRaNce that are the biggest offenders and usually have the most toxic cultures.

Anyways I just thought it was a funny (not really) thought and wanted to share. Has anyone else experienced this?

ps. heres hopin my new place of work isnt this!

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